Dennis Y.C. Leung<<The University of
Hong Kong, China
Prof. Dennis Y.C. Leung
received his BEng (1982) and PhD (1988) from the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. He worked in a
local power company in Hong Kong for five years heading the air
pollution section of the company before joining the University of Hong
Kong in 1993. Professor Leung is now a full professor and ex-Head of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering specializing in environmental
engineering and renewable & clean energy. He has published more than 500
articles in these two areas including 360+ peer reviewed SCI journal
papers. His current h-index is 92 with total citations of 46K. He is one
of the top 1% highly cited scientists in the world in energy field since
2010 (Essential Science Indicators) and named as Highly Cited Researcher
by Clarivate Analytics from 2017-2022. Stanford University places him as
a top 2% Materials Scientists in the world ever since the list was
produced during 2020. Currently, he ranks 184/27940 Engineering &
Technology (E&T) Scientists in the world – representing top 0.66%. He is
also ranked top #22 E&T Scientists in China by Prof. Leung
has delivered more than 80 keynote and invited lectures in many
international conferences.
Prof. Leung is a chartered engineer, a fellow of the IMechE, Energy
Institute and HKIE. He was also the Past Chairman of the Institute of
Energy (HK Branch), and served/serves as an editorial board member and
editor of a number of journals including Applied Energy, Energy
Conversion and Management, Progress in Energy and Applied Sciences.
Prof. Leung also served/serves as chairman and member of a number of
statutory committees and appeal board panels of the HKSAR government
related to sustainable energy and environment.
Xueming Chen<<Fuzhou University, China
Prof. Xueming Chen received his PhD degree from The University of Queensland in 2017 and worked as a postdoc/Marie Curie Fellow at Technical University of Denmark from 2017 to 2020. He is currently a full professor and group leader at Fuzhou University. He has been working in the field of Environmental Engineering, with a particular interest in novel wastewater treatment technologies toward carbon neutrality and resource recovery. So far, he has published over 80 SCI papers, leading to an h-index of 26. Besides, he has been an associate editor/editorial board member for over 10 scientific journals including Science of the Total Environment and Journal of Environmental Management and served as an invited reviewer for over 30 SCI Journals.
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